Archive for January, 2011

3 Things I Learned About Community Management This Week (1/21)

Saturday, January 22nd, 2011

Three things I learned this week: Always have an exit strategy, no matter how small your community initiative is. For example: “email poll results to project manager at 6pm, then close the thread.” Facebook Fan Page posts that use the word “vs” get shared far less. People would much rather hear about 50% of a [...]

Make Yourself Available

Monday, January 17th, 2011

You’re at a party and a stranger smiles at you. What do you do? You smile back. Maybe you say hi. Maybe you wink. Then you introduce yourself and shake their hand. You present some acknowledgement that opens the connection. Then you both move on - it’s a party, after all. The amazing part comes later [...]

Why I’m Impressed with Quora - An Earthquake Story

Monday, January 10th, 2011 is the latest buzz in an industry that is all about buzz. Everyone’s talking about the Q&A site, including community and social media managers – who are always looking to strike oil in an emerging platform. I took a stab at it, and I’m impressed. Which surprised me, because I don’t care about Q&A [...]

Grassroots Gaming, Online Communities and Social Media