Archive for April, 2010

How To Grow Your Online Community with the ACT Model

Tuesday, April 27th, 2010

Last week I attended a presentation by Shama Kabani as part of a lecture series put on by the Dallas chapter of Social Media Club (and also featuring a fantastic talk by the inimitable Eric Swayne). Shama is the president of the Dallas-based online marketing firm Marketing Zen Group and author of The Zen of [...]

The Important Lesson You Can Learn From Foursquare Day

Friday, April 16th, 2010

Today, 4-16-10, is Foursquare Day. Rejoice, Foursquare users! (Foursquarers? Foursquares? Foursies?) Finally, you have a day of celebration where you can attend parties filled with Foursquare users. And earn a special badge. Also, you can check in to places. And stuff. If you’re neither a Foursquare user nor a social media news junkie, you probably [...]

The Secret Glossary of Social Games Analytics

Tuesday, April 13th, 2010

If you’ve been reading up on social gaming, you’re probably familiar with terms like “microtransaction,” “core gamer,” “casual gamer” and “viral.” Maybe even “Freemium.” But buried in all the talk of Farms and Fish is a new lexicon that combines old school statistics with the latest in search engine analytics. So, for those of you [...]

Need a jolt of activity? Appeal to narcissism.

Wednesday, April 7th, 2010

Social Media (and it’s parent buzzword “Web 2.0″) proves one thing: the most powerful force on the internet is narcissism. Well, and cats. Whether it’s a tweet, a blog or a Facebook status update, people love to talk about themselves. And when other people talk about them, they love it even more. Is your online [...]

5 ways to use Twitter to improve your gaming tournament

Thursday, April 1st, 2010

We’ve been experimenting with using Twitter at live game tournaments. Already it’s proved extremely useful for delivering match results which, coupled with Livestreaming, bring real-time updates of your event to those not in attendance. Several corporate tournaments use Twitter to fantastic effect – for instance, Magic: The Gathering’s live event coverage is a thing of [...]

Grassroots Gaming, Online Communities and Social Media