Archive for July, 2008

Monday Schadenfreude: Left Turn Ahead OH MY GOD

Monday, July 28th, 2008

Ah, Monday. What better day than Monday to take pleasure in other people’s displeasure? You’re back at work (stop reading blogs on company time, you miscreant!) and have not one, not two, but five full days before you reach 40 hours. To make you feel better, here’s a video of Houston drivers getting hit by [...]

The Laws of RPGs

Tuesday, July 15th, 2008

If you ever find yourself trapped in a Japanese Role Playing Game, these handy 192 tips will ensure your survival (but not your sanity.)

Nerd moment

Monday, July 14th, 2008

Seen on my Sunday morning run: Finally, finally my neighborhood is constructing additional pylons.

Grassroots Gaming, Online Communities and Social Media